Strategy Consulting
During the Strategy Consulting Bootcamp we are meeting four pioneering companies in the Strategy Consultancy branch. Bain, Strategy&, Simon Kucher and OC&C consult large corporations and institutions on difficult high-level strategic problems. They work with leading companies in every branch, allowing their employees to gain insights into a wide variety of industries.
Are you a highly motivated student who is eager to learn about complex problem solving? Do you see yourself working as an associate consultant at one of these leading companies? Then the Strategy Consulting bootcamp is something for you!
Participating companies
General information
04-12-2023 - 05-12-2023
2 days
Participation is free
December 4th:
Morning: OC&C
Afternoon: Simon Kucher
Night: HotelDecember 5th:
Morning: Stategy&
Afternoon: Bain & CompanyRequirements
Master only
Penalty policy applies